Free Study Material

Speechify provides quality English learning content for free. You can use our content at home and during your online spoken English class.

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Quality learning material

Speechify has created quality content for improving online English speaking skills of learners. This includes English Grammar lessons and special Spoken English lessons. Download your free lessons today!

Learning resources for online spoken English training

At Speechify, we believe that fluency in English is only possible with consistent practice. To ensure a meaningful learning experience, we bring you free study assignments. These assignments have been carefully assembled to ensure an all-round learning experience for each of our students.

Most of the contents in the resources section have been requested by our students over the years and every few months we have newer additions! This continuous feedback along with our eminent online English tutors has helped us put together the best resources for you!

We cherish this trust that has made Speechify the leading online English speaking course in India as well as a favorite amongst our international students.


FAQ for Study Material

Speechify provides free study material for everyone. You can choose your own lessons based on your level and interest, or as per your teacher's suggestion. We have lessons for Spoken English, English Grammar and English Writing improvement. Our reading material focuses on teaching new words and correct usage of English Grammar. 

Yes. Our Online English Course lessons are absolutely free. You can download the lessons and save them on your mobile and/or computer.

Yes. You may use your own study material. Our teachers will be more than happy to help you.