10 Simple tips to practice speaking in English

10 Simple tips to practice speaking in English

Learning a new language may seem difficult. And if its English that you wish to master, the inconsistent rhyme schemes, syllables, synonyms, pronunciations etc. can make it confusing for you to improve your learning experience. Learning to speak in English is possible with consistent practice. And this applies to almost any new language that you wish to master. Simple steps along with consistency will help you learn speaking English faster and improve your conversation skills for the longer haul.

So, let’s dig into these 10 simple exercises that you can practice to improve your spoken English.

  1. Speak up!

The first step to English speaking is to speak up! Speak and listen to yourself speak. It may seem strange but you must speak aloud. This will help you immensely in getting your enunciations right. Focus on using full sentences and English phrases. Pro tip- You can read from a book or describe your day and record this monologue on your phone. You can then observe your performance and make necessary corrections.

  1. Find a language learning buddy

If speaking to yourself feels crazy to you, find a friend/s to converse with. Assign each other roles of a speaker and a listener. Keep it simple and focus on exchanging sincere feedbacks. Help each other in words you are struggling. Remember, team work will improve your learning experience and get you to the finish line faster! Pro tip- Tough finding a friend? Speak to our online English Tutors at Speechify.

  1. Make it fun

The task to learn speaking in English may seem daunting! But mix it up with your hobby for eg- Learn to sing an English song, follow English music bands or try a new dinner recipe from an English cook show. Speak to virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant and practice answers aloud.

  1. Creative Arts to your rescue.

Mankind has always underestimated Arts but time and again Art has prevailed and saved us from the depths of our ignorance. And yes, creative Arts can help you in your English-speaking journey. Watch an English movie or English songs with subtitles or follow English sports commentary. Read English classics. Audio books too can help immensely in learning English phrases and word pronunciations. Follow English news channels or commit to reading a news article daily!

  1. Learn common English phrases

Get smart in your learning journey. Make a list of the most common English questions that you encounter and prepare for these in advance. Use online videos to see how people answer these questions and then customize it to your needs.

  1. Study how the natives speak English

Observe native English speakers and their speaking styles. Learn the slangs commonly used in English speaking countries and narrate them aloud. Use them in your conversations intelligently and enrich your English speaking.

  1. Train your thoughts

Studies show that we think in the language that we can best express ourselves. So, let’s reverse this! Practice thinking your everyday thoughts and emotions in English instead of your mother tongue. It may seem tough initially but aren’t challenges fun? Assign hours in the day where you will only think in English. Pro tip- Try saying your thoughts aloud initially to set the rhythm.

  1. Celebrate your milestones.

Create a learning schedule and define timelines. You will make mistakes and may not get the results in the time you had hoped for. But practice at your pace and celebrate your successes. Remember, the more mistakes you make the many learning opportunities you shall have.

  1. Remember your goal

Do not be embarrassed by your accent, be proud that you are learning a new language. Remember that your goal is to speak in English to express your thoughts and ideas. Nobody is perfect at day 1. Improving English grammar and vocabulary will take time.

  1. Consistent practice

As you already know, there are no shortcuts to success. Mastering a new language skill requires consistency in practice. Assign dedicated hours to your learning practice. This will ensure that you practice English speaking consistently and improve your conversation quality.


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Related reading material: 9 ways to improve your English skills online