Why is learning English so difficult? One to One English speaking lessons to your rescue.

Why is learning English so difficult? One to One English speaking lessons to your rescue.

You made a new year’s resolution to learn speaking in English. You enrolled to a course or downloaded an English-speaking App on the Google play store. You browsed the web for the most common English phrases and the best grammar tips or vocabulary building tricks. But the effort still seemed too much. You found yourself even more confused. And now you are not sure whether learning to speak fluently in English is your cup of tea anymore?

This happens to most of our students. They have the dedication and the commitment to learn, but language speaking requires some smart work too.

We at Speechify believe that guided spoken English practice is the best way to improve fluency in English speaking.

  1. English pronunciations are tough!

Most learners struggle at pronunciations since this is undoubtedly the most difficult aspect of English speaking. It takes practice and mimicing a native English speakers’ enunciation to speak words correctly.

  1. The tricky phonetics

Amitabh Bachchan has aptly coined the term “English is a very funny language” in the movie Namak Halal. This is because in English you do not say the word as you spell it. For example- words Though, Thought, Tough, Bough, Through are all pronounced differently. Phonetics is all about speech sounds and you can learn these tongue twisters by training your ears through consistent practice.

  1. Context is everything

Not only in written English, but contextual speaking also involves a tricky balance between grammar and homophones. A wrong pause in a sentence can change the course of your conversation. Many individuals still struggle to use words “There, Their and They’re” correctly.

  1. Emphasis

Emphasizing or pausing on the right words can impact the meaning of a sentence or a word. A simple statement like “I met him the other day” will have 4 different meanings if the speaker chooses to emphasize on words “I”, “met”, “him”, “the other day” one word/phrase at a time. Though they sound similar but you will learn to pick up on these subtleties only through practice.

  1. Word order

Learners find it elusive and difficult to grasp the logical positioning of words in a sentence. This comes to us naturally in our primary language, but will need practice to discern the right and wrong order since these may not necessarily mean grammatical errors.

  1. The past, present and future tenses

Its not only the correct use of verbs, prepositions but also the difficulty to translate them into different languages that makes English tenses the most difficult aspect of English language. Also, the same rule will not apply for all words, making it slightly trickier.

These are just some of the challenges that you may face if you opt for group lessons or strive to learn English speaking by yourself. We do not mean to discourage you; many learners are still able to eventually master English speaking fluency but the learning curve is longer.

At Speechify, we invest time on understanding our students. We identify their English fluency requirements and offer customized curriculum designed for faster outcomes. We offer one to one Skype English lessons with our trained English tutors at flexible hours and deliver tailored course content. Each lesson is designed in a manner that the student converses in English for 50 to 70% of the class session.

All our lessons are at competitive prices since we believe English speaking should be affordable for each of our students.Additionally, we have a plethora of free English learning material for our students.

We hope you found this article helpful. Are there any other challenges that you face in speaking English? We would love to hear form you. Let’s make affordable English lessons accessible to all!


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