Very nice class
good interaction and interesting topics are given to dicuss
Ok. Samreen will try to speak longer sentences. Thank for ur efforts. Mrs Erica. U r doing a grt Job.
Good suggestions are made
Mrs. Erica class is very interesting. She puts in efforts to teach Samreen. Thank you
very good teaching style
She is enjoying her class. She is v enthusiastic about learning English from you. Thanks Mrs Erica for ur efforts.
Thank u for ur efforts. Mrs Erica. Please keep ur efforts going. I want Samreen to talk in English fluently. Thank you
Ok. She will and try to speak more . She will prepare well before the class. Thank you
I really like her way of teaching
It was interactive
She is very good at creating interest and liking in the student for English language
it was nice
She is very nice and teaches with Patience
She is trying her best
Plase give her more Practice in English speaking so tat sshe gets the confidence. Thank you
She is trying her best
She is very happy with Ms Ericas class. She is going hi on enthusiasm to learn new English words thank you
She is trying her best and likes Ms Erica class very much. .
Samreen is trying from her side too
She is putting lot of efforts to teach me. Thank u
Very interesting class. I am trying my best to learn.
Very positive in teaching and motivating to improve
Very good and interesting class
Teacher is excellent
Her teaching was very good
V want this teacher Ms Erica for our future 60 classes. She is an excellent tutor